• 30 grudnia, 2022


ProtoGel (30%)

  • Stabilized solution of acrylamide to bisacrylamide 37.5:1
  • Optimized for SDS-PAGE of Proteins (Laemmli gels)
  • Consistently crystal clear gels, zero fluorescence
  • Stabilized for long life

National Diagnostics ProtoGel forms an electrophoresis matrix that is ideal for the separation of proteins and polypeptides. ProtoGel is a ready-to-use, stabilized 30% (w/v) acrylamide/methylene bisacrylamide solution (37.5:1 ratio) made from the highest quality materials with virtually all impurities removed. ProtoGel has zero acrylic acid content, which eliminates the fixed charges that cause striping on the band.

Furthermore, oxidation products such as aldehydes have been removed through a selective adsorption process. Aldehydes can attack proteins, altering the structure of the sample and thus altering the Rf values. With ProtoGel, you can be confident that your results will be consistent from one electrophoretic run to the next.

Storage: ProtoGel is stable for 24 months when stored tightly covered in a dark area at room temperature (20°C).

ProtoGel Applications (30%)

  • polyacrylamide matrix
  • Denaturing Protein Electrophoresis: SDS-PAGE
  • Gel preparation for SDS-PAGE
  • Casting Gradient Gels
  • Protein purification using SDS-PAGE

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