Ocena testu immunochromatograficznego do szybkiej identyfikacji
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Identyfikacja kompleksu Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTC) pozostaje powolna. Na przestrzeni lat zaproponowano kilka nowych technologii przyspieszających i upraszczających wykrywanie MTC. W tym kontekście oceniliśmy test immunochromatograficzny (ICA) (BIO-LINE SD Ag MPT64 TB) do szybkiej identyfikacji MTC, oparty na wykrywaniu specyficznego antygenu MPT64 MTC.
Przetestowaliśmy to na i) kulturach prątków: 210 szczepów MTC i 28 prątków niegruźliczych; ii) M. bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin szczep SSI (Statens Serum Institut, Dania); oraz iii) 22 mikroorganizmy inne niż prątki, wyizolowane z kultur . Doszliśmy do wniosku, że ten zestaw ma doskonałą swoistość (100%) i czułość (99%) z izolowanych kultur. ICA (BIO-LINE SD Ag MPT64 TB) umożliwia doskonałą identyfikację MTC z izolatów klinicznych. Jest to szybki, prosty i niedrogi test , który ma zdecydowany wkład w szybką diagnostykę laboratoryjną gruźlicy .
Ocena szybkiego testu TB Ag MPT64 do identyfikacji kompleksu Mycobacterium tuberculosis .
Rola GenoType Mycobacterium Test na prątki pospolite/dodatkowe w celu szybkiego różnicowania między kompleksem Mycobacterium tuberculosis a różnymi gatunkami prątków niegruźliczych.
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) i niegruźlicze prątki (NTM) mogą mieć te same objawy kliniczne, ale schematy leczenia są zawsze różne. Laboratoryjne różnicowanie MTBC i NTM metodami rutynowymi jest czasochłonne i kłopotliwe. Oceniliśmy rolę testu GenoType Mycobacterium pospolitych prątków/dodatkowych gatunków (CM/AS) w różnicowaniu między MTBC a różnymi gatunkami NTM w klinicznych izolatach z przypadków gruźlicy (TB).
- Od stycznia 2010 r. do czerwca 2012 r. pobrano łącznie 1080 próbek klinicznych. Diagnozę przeprowadzono za pomocą barwienia Ziehl-Neelsena, a następnie hodowli w systemie BacT/ALERT 3D (bioMerieux, Francja). Do różnicowania za pomocą testu wrażliwości na kwas p-nitrobenzoesowy (PNB) oraz testu BIO-LINE SD Ag MPT64 TB, uznawanego za złoty standard, wybrano łącznie 219 dodatnich kultur izolatów klinicznych (hodowle BacT/ALERT MP). Ostateczna identyfikacja i rozróżnienie między MTBC a różnymi gatunkami NTM zostały dodatkowo potwierdzone testem GenoType) Mycobacterium CM/AS (Hain Lifescience, Nehren, Niemcy).
- Spośród 219 dodatnich kultur BacT/ALERT MP, które zostały przebadane przez PNB jako 153 MTBC (69,9%) i w teście GenoType Mycobacterium CM/AS jako 159 (72,6%) MTBC, a pozostałe 60 (27,4%) uznano za gatunki NTM. Test GenoType® Mycobacterium CM/AS okazał się 99,3% czuły i 98,3% specyficzny dla szybkiego różnicowania MTBC i NTM. Najczęstszymi gatunkami NTM były; Mycobacterium fortuitum 20 (33,3%) wśród prątków szybko rosnących i Mycobacterium intracellulare 11 (18,3%) wśród prątków wolno rosnących.
- Test GenoType Mycobacterium umożliwia szybką i dokładną identyfikację gatunków NTM w porównaniu z różnymi fenotypowymi i molekularnymi narzędziami diagnostycznymi oraz pomaga w leczeniu infekcji powodowanych przez różne prątki.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infekuje komórki dendrytyczne z dużą częstotliwością i upośledza ich funkcję in vivo.
- Uważa się, że Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) rezyduje w makrofagach, chociaż zaobserwowano zakażone komórki dendrytyczne (DC). Tak więc, chociaż dokonano powiązań komórkowych, brakuje globalnej charakterystyki komórek niosących Mtb. Przeprowadziliśmy czasową i ilościową charakterystykę komórek zawierających Mtb po zakażeniu myszy aerozolem za pomocą bakterii eksprymujących GFP i cytometrii przepływowej.
- Odkryliśmy, że Mtb infekuje komórki fagocytarne o różnych fenotypach, że dominujące populacje zakażonych komórek zmieniają się w czasie i że szpikowe DC są główną populacją komórek zakażonych Mtb w płucach i węzłach chłonnych.
- Odkryliśmy również, że bakterie w węźle drenującym płuca są tam transportowane z płuc przez mechanizm zależny od CCL19/21 i że transport bakterii do węzła chłonnego jest zjawiskiem przejściowym pomimo przewlekłego zakażenia.
- Ponadto stwierdziliśmy, że podzbiory komórek węzłów chłonnych, które są najbardziej skuteczne w stymulowaniu swoistych dla Mtb, transgenicznych limfocytów T CD4(+) TCR, nie są zakażone bakteriami i są nieliczne lub nieobecne w płucach zakażonych myszy.
- Wreszcie odkryliśmy, że populacje komórek płuc, które są zakażone Mtb z dużą częstotliwością, są stosunkowo nieskuteczne w stymulowaniu limfocytów T CD4(+) specyficznych wobec Ag i uzyskaliśmy dowody, że żywe Mtb mogą hamować prezentację MHC klasy II Ag bez zmniejszenia w ekspresji powierzchniowej MHC klasy II. Wyniki te wskazują, że Mtb jest ukierunkowany na migrację DC i prezentację Ag in vivo, aby promować uporczywą infekcję.
IL-23 kompensuje brak IL-12p70 i jest niezbędna dla odpowiedzi IL-17 podczas gruźlicy , ale jest zbędna dla ochrony i odpowiedzi IFN-gamma specyficznych dla antygenu, jeśli dostępna jest IL-12p70.
- Indukowany przez IL-12p70 IFN-gamma jest wymagany do kontrolowania wzrostu Mycobacterium tuberculosis ; jednakże pod nieobecność IL-12p70, szlak zależny od IL-12p40 pośredniczy w indukcji IFN-gamma i początkowej aktywności bakteriostatycznej. IL-23 jest cytokiną zależną od IL-12p40 zawierającą podjednostkę IL-12p40 kowalencyjnie związaną z podjednostką p19, która bierze udział w indukcji komórek T CD4 związanych z autoimmunizacją i zapaleniem .
- Pokazujemy, że u myszy z niedoborem IL-23 p19 wzrost prątków jest kontrolowany i nie ma zmniejszenia ani liczby komórek T CD4 specyficznych dla IFN-gamma wytwarzających IFN-gamma, ani lokalnej ekspresji mRNA IFN-gamma . Odwrotnie, u tych myszy dochodzi do prawie całkowitej utraty zarówno komórek T CD4 specyficznych dla Ag wytwarzających IL-17, jak i miejscowej produkcji mRNA dla IL-17.
- Brak IL-17 nie zmienia ekspresji genów przeciwprątkowych, syntazy NO 2 i LRG-47, a brak IL-23 lub IL-17, z których oba są zaangażowane w pośredniczenie w zapaleniu, nie wpływa znacząco na ziarniniak. odpowiedź na zakażenie płuc M. tuberculosis .
- Pomimo tej nadmiarowości, IL-23 jest wymagana do zapewnienia umiarkowanego poziomu ochrony przy braku IL-12p70, a ochrona ta jest skorelowana z wymogiem dla IL-23 w niezależnej od IL-12p70 indukcji swoistej dla Ag , IFN- limfocyty T CD4 wytwarzające gamma.
Tuberculosis Ag MPT64 specific test |
08FK50 | Abbott | 25 tests/kit | 67.65 EUR |
M. tuberculosis MPT64 Rec. Ag |
MBS313721-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 515 EUR |
M. tuberculosis MPT64 Rec. Ag |
MBS313721-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 2155 EUR |
M. tuberculosis MPT64 Rec. Ag |
MBS313722-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 515 EUR |
M. tuberculosis MPT64 Rec. Ag |
MBS313722-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 2155 EUR |
M. Tuberculosis Mpt64 Antigen |
DAGA-184 | Creative Diagnostics | 100 µg | 665.44 EUR |
Mab to M. tuberculosis MPT64 |
MBS313702-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 515 EUR |
Mab to M. tuberculosis MPT64 |
MBS313702-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 2135 EUR |
Mab to M. tuberculosis MPT64 |
MBS313703-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 515 EUR |
Mab to M. tuberculosis MPT64 |
MBS313703-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 2135 EUR |
Mab to M. tuberculosis MPT64 |
MBS313704-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 515 EUR |
Mab to M. tuberculosis MPT64 |
MBS313704-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 2135 EUR |
Mab to M. tuberculosis MPT64 |
MBS313705-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 515 EUR |
Mab to M. tuberculosis MPT64 |
MBS313705-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 2135 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antibody |
MBS5680254-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 600 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antibody |
MBS5680254-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 2495 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antibody |
MBS5680255-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 600 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antibody |
MBS5680255-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 2495 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
1-CSB-EP358713MVZ | Cusabio |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
1-CSB-YP358713MVZ | Cusabio |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
1-CSB-BP358713MVZ | Cusabio |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
1-CSB-BP358713MVZb0 | Cusabio |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Mpt64 antigen [His] |
DAG-WT1189 | Creative Diagnostics | 200 µg, 1 mg | Ask for price |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antigen, Recombinant >95% |
MBS5680256-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 995 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT64 (TB-MPT64) Antigen, Recombinant >95% |
MBS5680256-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 4275 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-EP358713FSG | Cusabio | 3288 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-EP358713FSG-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-EP358713FSG-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-EP358713FSG-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64(mpt64) |
AP78000 | SAB | each | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64(mpt64) |
AP78008 | SAB | each | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-YP358713FSG | Cusabio | 6361 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-YP358713FSG-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-YP358713FSG-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-YP358713FSG-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64(mpt64) |
AP72968 | SAB | each | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64(mpt64) |
AP77164 | SAB | 1mg | 2826 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSG | Cusabio | 172 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSG-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSG-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSG-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGb0 | Cusabio | 173 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGb0-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGb0-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGb0-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGc7 | Cusabio | 174 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGc7-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGc7-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
CSB-BP358713FSGc7-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
MBS9018442-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 475 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
MBS9018442-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 375 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
MBS9018442-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 420 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
MBS9018442-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 635 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
MBS9018442-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 695 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28339-100ug | Biomatik Corporation | 100ug | 863.2 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28339-20ug | Biomatik Corporation | 20ug | 479.6 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28132-100ug | Biomatik Corporation | 100ug | 1544.5 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28132-20ug | Biomatik Corporation | 20ug | 580.8 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28257-100ug | Biomatik Corporation | 100ug | 801.9 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28257-1mg | Biomatik Corporation | 1mg | 2885.2 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 (mpt64) |
RPC28257-20ug | Biomatik Corporation | 20ug | 448.1 EUR |
Recombinant M. Tuberculosis Mpt64 Antigen (a.a.1-232) |
DAG-WT1162 | Creative Diagnostics | 200 µg, 1 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis MPT64 Protein (aa 24-228) [His] |
VAng-Yyj0104-10g | Creative Biolabs | 10 µg | 1015.2 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mpt64 Protein (aa 1-232) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06142-100g | Creative Biolabs | 100 µg | 717.6 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mpt64 Protein (aa 1-232) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06142-1mg | Creative Biolabs | 1 mg | 3686.4 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A14669 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Dog Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E08M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Dog Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E08M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Dog Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E08M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E02M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E02M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E02M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E02M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Rat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E02M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E07M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E07M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E07M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A5922 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A49577 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A23415 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Sheep Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A101870 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E03M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E03M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E03M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E03M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Mouse Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E03M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Sheep Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E14M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Sheep Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E14M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E06M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E06M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E06M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E06M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Goat Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E06M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA Kit |
MBS756378-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 5685 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA Kit |
MBS756378-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 485 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA Kit |
MBS756378-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3020 EUR |
Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA Kit |
MBS756378-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 690 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Mtb8.4, MPT64, TB16.3, Mtb8 Chimeric Protein |
DAG-WT1090 | Creative Diagnostics | 1 mg | 480 EUR |
Porcine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A58295 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Canine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A67007 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A32142 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A75724 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Bovine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A84443 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Chicken Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A93159 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Canine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E08M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Canine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E08M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Chicken Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E12M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Chicken Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E12M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Bovine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E11M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Bovine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E11M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E09M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E09M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E09M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E09M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Monkey Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E09M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Porcine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E07M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Porcine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E07M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E04M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E04M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E04M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E04M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Rabbit Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E04M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Guinea Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E01A40857 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Guinea pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E05M0361-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Guinea pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E05M0361-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Guinea Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E05M0361-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Guinea pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E05M0361-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Guinea Pig Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 ELISA kit |
E05M0361-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
M. Tuberculosis MPT53 |
DAGA-171 | Creative Diagnostics | 100 µg | 665.44 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-10ug |
QP9654-ye-10ug | EnQuireBio | 10ug | 434.4 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-1mg |
QP9654-ye-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 3296.4 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-50ug |
QP9654-ye-50ug | EnQuireBio | 50ug | 576 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-100ug |
QP9654-ye-100ug | EnQuireBio | 100ug | 945.6 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-200ug |
QP9654-ye-200ug | EnQuireBio | 200ug | 1512 EUR |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 Protein, His, Yeast-500ug |
QP9654-ye-500ug | EnQuireBio | 500ug | 2164.8 EUR |
M. Tuberculosis Mpt70 Antigen |
DAGA-182 | Creative Diagnostics | 100 µg | 665.44 EUR |
M. Tuberculosis MPT83 Antigen |
DAGA-183 | Creative Diagnostics | 100 µg | 665.44 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody |
MBS719734-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody |
MBS719734-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody |
MBS719734-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
M. Tuberculosis Mpt63/MPB63 Antigen |
DAGA-180 | Creative Diagnostics | 100 µg | 665.44 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS1490563-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS1490563-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS1490563-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1170 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS719959-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS719959-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, FITC |
MBS719959-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen (mpt51) |
1-CSB-EP363615MVZ | Cusabio |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1265001-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1265001-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1265001-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1490148-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1490148-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, HRP conjugated |
MBS1490148-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1170 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS1489268-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS1489268-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS1489268-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1170 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS719917-005mg | MyBiosource | 0.05mg | 190 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS719917-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 270 EUR |
Rabbit anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT64 polyclonal Antibody, Biotin conjugated |
MBS719917-5x01mg | MyBiosource | 5x0.1mg | 1205 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen (mpt51) |
CSB-EP363615MVZ | Cusabio | 3421 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen (mpt51) |
CSB-EP363615MVZ-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen(mpt51) |
AP71171 | SAB | 1mg | 2826 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen (mpt51) |
RPC22791-100ug | Biomatik Corporation | 100ug | 721.6 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen (mpt51) |
RPC22791-1mg | Biomatik Corporation | 1mg | 2884.7 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen (mpt51) |
RPC22791-20ug | Biomatik Corporation | 20ug | 448.1 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen |
MBS1182334-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 375 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen |
MBS1182334-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 635 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen |
MBS1182334-1mgEColi | MyBiosource | 1mg(E-Coli) | 1925 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen |
MBS1182334-5x1mgEColi | MyBiosource | 5x1mg(E-Coli) | 8405 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen |
MBS9421048-002mg | MyBiosource | 0.02mg | 460 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen |
MBS9421048-01mg | MyBiosource | 0.1mg | 795 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen |
MBS9421048-1mg | MyBiosource | 1mg | 2525 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis MPT51/MPB51 antigen |
MBS9421048-5x1mg | MyBiosource | 5x1mg | 11205 EUR |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
1-CSB-RP149074Ba(A3) | Cusabio |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis MPT51 Protein (aa 27-299) |
VAng-Yyj0102-50gEcoli | Creative Biolabs | 50 µg (E. coli) | 2292 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis MPT63 Protein (aa 30-159) |
VAng-Yyj0103-10g | Creative Biolabs | 10 µg | 424.8 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis mpt53 Protein (aa 39-173) |
VAng-Yyj0526-50gEcoli | Creative Biolabs | 50 µg (E. coli) | 1815.6 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis mpt83 Protein (aa 25-220) |
VAng-Yyj0527-50gEcoli | Creative Biolabs | 50 µg (E. coli) | 2011.2 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis mpt53 Protein (aa 1-177) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06140-100g | Creative Biolabs | 100 µg | 717.6 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis mpt53 Protein (aa 1-177) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06140-1mg | Creative Biolabs | 1 mg | 3686.4 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mpt70 Protein (aa 1-197) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06143-100g | Creative Biolabs | 100 µg | 717.6 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mpt70 Protein (aa 1-197) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06143-1mg | Creative Biolabs | 1 mg | 3686.4 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis MPT83 Protein (aa 1-224) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06144-100g | Creative Biolabs | 100 µg | 717.6 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis MPT83 Protein (aa 1-224) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06144-1mg | Creative Biolabs | 1 mg | 3686.4 EUR |
Bovine Tuberculosis Ab Rapid Test Kit |
T40841 | Ring Biotechnology Co | 20T | 60 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mpt63/MPB63 Protein (aa 1-163) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06141-100g | Creative Biolabs | 100 µg | 717.6 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mpt63/MPB63 Protein (aa 1-163) [His] |
VAng-Lsx06141-1mg | Creative Biolabs | 1 mg | 3686.4 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
CSB-EP358712GKB | Cusabio | 5350 mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
CSB-EP358712GKB-100ug | Cusabio | 100ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
CSB-EP358712GKB-1mg | Cusabio | 1mg | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
CSB-EP358712GKB-20ug | Cusabio | 20ug | Ask for price |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63(mpt63) |
AP72274 | SAB | 1mg | 2826 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
MBS1136334-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 1050 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
MBS1136334-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 635 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
MBS1136334-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 805 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
MBS1136334-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 735 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT63 (mpt63) |
MBS1136334-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 940 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT70 (mpt70) |
MBS1108867-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 1085 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT70 (mpt70) |
MBS1108867-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 675 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT70 (mpt70) |
MBS1108867-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 835 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT70 (mpt70) |
MBS1108867-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 785 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunogenic protein MPT70 (mpt70) |
MBS1108867-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 980 EUR |
Bovine tuberculosis antibody ELISA test kit |
LSY-30046 | Shenzhen Lvshiyuan Biotechnology | 96*2 well/kit | Ask for price |
Recombinant M. tuberculosis MPT51/ MPB51 antigen Protein, His-SUMO, E.coli-1mg |
QP7383-ec-1mg | EnQuireBio | 1mg | 2763.6 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Soluble secreted antigen MPT53 (mpt53) |
MBS1202437-002mgBaculovirus | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Baculovirus) | 1055 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Soluble secreted antigen MPT53 (mpt53) |
MBS1202437-002mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(E-Coli) | 640 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Soluble secreted antigen MPT53 (mpt53) |
MBS1202437-002mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.02mg(Yeast) | 810 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Soluble secreted antigen MPT53 (mpt53) |
MBS1202437-01mgEColi | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(E-Coli) | 745 EUR |
Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Soluble secreted antigen MPT53 (mpt53) |
MBS1202437-01mgYeast | MyBiosource | 0.1mg(Yeast) | 950 EUR |
Pokazujemy również, że IL-23 jest wymagana do indukcji swoistego fenotypu Ag wytwarzającego IL-17 w naiwnych limfocytach T CD4 in vitro i że brak IL-12p70 sprzyja wzrostowi liczby Ag wytwarzających IL-17 swoiste limfocyty T CD4 zarówno in vitro, jak i in vivo.